







Dream 🎢 Write πŸ’— Create 🎢 Play πŸ’—

Free online songwriting lessons for both the shy and confident, taught by a veteran musician-songwriter and therapist.

Ever wanted learn how to write songs, but just don’t know where to start?

Ever scared that others will judge you for your music?

Want to learn how to create music from the heart and soul?

Song Lab for Shy Folks is just for you.

Song Lab for Shy Folks is a supportive online community with free songwriting lessons by Mariah Larkin.

Free* weekly lessons and song shares are hosted on Discord, an online communication platform, to connect people through the power of music.

Whether you’re just getting into songwriting or you’ve been songwriting for years, Song Lab welcomes you!

Don’t know what Discord is or how to get it? Check out our FAQ.

*While lessons are free to attend, donations are very much appreciated. 😊